Besides developing the network-provider hardware and the single-photon detector, the project will fulfill another important task- creating a systematic training base for technical and research staff and students who want to specialize in quantum technologies.
Quantum technologies are at the intersection of physics, engineering, and computer science, thus merging together not only different research methodologies but also different education programs. The creation of quantum technology curricula is beyond our individual faculties and universities, and this project aims to initiate the focused cooperation of individual activities of various universities and institutes of the Slovak Academy of Sciences in order to design a multidisciplinary master and engineering quantum technologies program for all degrees of the university education.
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The goals of the eduQUTE are:

To create an educational system in the field of quantum technologies
Quantum technologies intersect the field of engineering, physics, mathematics, and informatics. Therefore, the creation of such an educational program goes well beyond faculties and even beyond the capabilities of individual universities. The national QUTE platform will ensure the cooperation of universities and relevant institutes of the Slovak Academy of Sciences on elaborating an interdisciplinary combined master and engineering study plans for quantum technologies, which will be a natural extension of existing activities.

To establish a doctoral school and a Flagship training center
The doctoral students of the platform partners will form a doctoral school, within which education will take place in the form of summer schools, which will be open to foreign participants and at which foreign lecturers will give lectures. It will also include full financial support for a four-month internship (for domestic doctoral students) at a foreign workplace. We will try to create a European training center in quantum technologies, which would provide theoretical training for QF and would be co-financed by European sources. Today, there are conditions for such an educational center to be established in the Research Center for Quantum Information – a research institute of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, which has experience organizing scientific events, including summer and winter schools.
The aim of establishing such a center is a qualitative shift in the level of education of Slovak students. Lectures by leading European experts in the field will be invaluable to the students of the platform and, at the same time, make Slovak science and Slovakia itself visible. The doctoral school will include the creation of a system of awarding internationally competitive scholarships to motivate students to choose the field of quantum technology

To support fellowQUTE.sk postdoctoral students
In Slovakia, there is practically no stable way to support postdoctoral positions despite the fact that postdoctoral students are the main research force. Our goal is to create a system that would allow the opening of internationally competitive postdoctoral positions. Individual partner organizations will apply for these positions in an open competition.

Popularization and awareness-raising activities
Regular lectures for the public and targeted lectures for potential industrial partners and users of quantum technologies. The public opening of individual components of the quantum network and launch of the detector.